Posted tagged ‘JiTT’

Just in Time Learning

November 28, 2009

I spent Thursday at an ESTICT training course on Electronic Voting Systems.  The utility of the voting handsets is a hit and miss affair at Ninewells, I think we have introduced more effective learning with them this year in the Chest block, but I wonder if the rest of the course is using them effectively.  It’s something for me to think about a great deal throughout the year in preparation for next year’s Phase 2 block.

In the meantime, here’s a great quote to think about if you’re about to do some teaching:

“As you enter a classroom ask yourself this question: If there were no students in the room, could I do what I am planning to do? If your answer to the question is yes, don’t do it.”

Converting the medical curriculum from a “Content-centric” to “Student-centric” teaching and learning, that’s my challenge.  I will be trying it out with Apples and Pears, I think….